Live on the Sabbath!
Good morning family!!
We are live right now on TikTok (@ronpb33) and YouTube.
This mornings precept is: The Gentiles
Watch below:
Good morning family!!
We are live right now on TikTok (@ronpb33) and YouTube.
This mornings precept is: The Gentiles
Watch below:
Good morning family!!
We are going live right now on TikTok (@ronpb33) and Youtube.
This mornings precept: A 1,000 to 1 & THE Prince Of The Air
Watch below:
Good morning family!!
We are live right now on TikTok (@ronpb33) and YouTube.
This mornings precept: How I Feel
Watch below:
Good morning family!!
The 3 readings for this month so far are up with all associated scripture listed below.
Thank you all so much for your support!!
You can check it out under Readings.
Everyone have a blessed day!
Good morning family!!
We are live right now on TikTok (@ronpb33) and YouTube.
This mornings precept it: Sabbath Day Part 2
Watch below:
Good morning family!!
We are live right now on TikTok (@ronpb33) and YouTube.
This mornings precept: Why is this happening to me?
Watch below:
Good morning family!
We are going live right now on TikTok (@ronpb33) and YouTube.
This mornings precept: God Sent God
Watch Below:
Good morning family!
We are live right now on TikTok (@ronpb33) and YouTube.
This mornings precept: Just Ask
Watch Below:
Good evening family.
Sorry to anybody that was looking for the stream this morning, the Admin was a little under the weather.
This mornings precept was: Return
Watch Below:
Good morning family!
We are live right now on TikTok (@ronpb33) and YouTube.
This mornings precept is: Sound Doctrine..
Watch below: