Good morning family!!
I hope everybody had a good week!
I know a lot of you have this live stream as part of your routine, I can see from the traffic to the website that family members are looking for something!!
We should be back on in a week but if you have something going on right now and need some guidance or prayers family members are still here to help!!
Any spiritual, scriptural, etc.. type questions please send over to
If you feel like you need extra prayers to keep you on the path or for any other reason reach out to
If you want to go over some lessons from the past head over to Readings and browse through the titles of our past live streams with full listings of the verses and links to full scripture if it doesn’t fit on the page.
Lastly, if any of you need anything from me personally feel free to e-mail me at and I mean anything!
Everyone have a blessed week, God is good 🙂